Friday, 19 August 2011

The Teaching Of White Colonisation At Uni SA

I have to say when starting this course I feared I would get angered with the way it was going to be taught. Luckily for now my fears have not come true, let me explain.
Last semester I was studying Australian Art : Images, Issues and Identity, a course that focused on Australian artist from a non indigenous background. During course the history of white colonisation was brought up many times. My problem was the very over simplified way they taught this. To briefly some up how it was taught would go like this, White People = bad/evil, Aboriginal People = good/have never done anything bad ever. Now I think the horrors of white colonisation should be at the forefront of any teaching of Australian history, but it should not be taught how it was last semester, by over simplifying and dumbing it down. By lumping hundreds of thousands of people into two groups is no way to teach history. I see this as almost as bad as being an ignorant racist, because that’s what racists do, over simplify and lump people into groups.
But i’m pleasantly surprised that I have not encountered this during this course.

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